I posted a poll on my blog for about three weeks. I asked the question: Which type of manager is the worst? 80% of people said that a micromanager is the worst type of manager.
Essentially, people would rather have a manager who was totally hands-off and a manager who is not personable or approachable. So what’s so bad about a micromanager and how do leaders avoid micromanagement?
Micromanagers are annoying.
To employees, it feels like micromanagers are nagging them. Micromanagers are constantly asking for progress reports and telling employees how they should do every little thing.
What should a leader do instead?
Ask, listen, and coach. If you ask your employee how things are going, listen to what they have to say. Don’t jump to conclusions and start telling them how to do something. Then, if they need help, offer suggestions and guidance but don’t solve their problems for them. Help them solve it themselves. Give them time to try before asking them for an update again.
Micromanagers are hurtful.
Micromanagers ask employees to do something and then turn around and tell the employees how to do it or do it for them. This makes employees feel that they are not trusted or competent, which can be very hurtful especially if it’s not true.
What should a leader do instead?
Trust your employees! Provide them the resources and then hold them accountable for accomplishing the assignment. It really is that simple. Surprise your employees by trusting them and they might just surprise you by doing a great job!
Micromanagers are harmful to team morale.
Micromanagers focus too much on managing the work that they forget to lead their people, which will quickly diminish morale. Micromanaging people also makes it feel like you think you’re the only one who knows how to do something and that you’re not part of a team working together.
What should a leader do instead?
Allow people to contribute. Get to know your team and their strengths and areas they want to grow. Then, utilize that information to make appropriate assignments. If everyone contributes to the cause, they will begin to feel like a team again. Avoid creating the me vs. them culture.
Realizing you’re a micromanager is the first step. Being proactive in changing your micromanagement tendencies is more difficult but will put you on the road to becoming a better leader.
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