You wouldn’t wait until you’re completely dehydrated to drink water, right? Well, if you did, you would know that it’s not the best idea and doesn’t feel very good. It’s better to stay hydrated and drink enough water every day.
The same goes for updating your resume. If you wait until you need a job, you might find that you’re in more of a panic. You can’t remember everything you’ve done and you’re likely going to write your resume from a different perspective when you’re looking for a job versus when you already have one.
Here are some suggestions of what you should be updating on your resume even when you’re not looking for a job:
- Update your demographics and contact information – phone number, email address and education.
- Regularly, update the details of your job. Add new projects, responsibilities and accomplishments.
- Add new certifications or licenses you’ve received.
- Add new memberships to professional organizations.
- Add new skills.
- Update your volunteer experiences.
- Change up your layout. Giving your resume a new look and feel can go a long way to making it stand out. Take the time to do this when you’re not under pressure to find a job.
Taking these steps when you’re happily employed will pay off in the long run. Update your resume when the content is fresh in your mind. If you ever decide that it’s time to move on or if you ever fall into the unfortunate situation of having to find a new job, you’ll be ready to do so.
Additionally, an updated resume may come into handy for reasons other than finding a new job in another company:
- If there’s another position or promotional opportunity within your organization, you’ll probably still need to submit a resume.
- If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, nonprofits may ask for your resume.
- If you’re networking, you may want to share your resume.
- If you’re ever looking to sit on a board for a nonprofit, you may also have to submit a resume.
- If you’re ever recruiting for positions, candidates will be looking at your LinkedIn profile as much as you are looking at theirs.
- If you ever plan to go back to school or apply for a scholarship, you may need to submit a resume.
It’s a time commitment to keep your resume updated but it’s an investment worth making for future success. It will also save you a lot of time when it matters most. Don’t wait until you need a job to update your resume!
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